SINCE 2005
We are often asked what makes Lulu Browns special and it’s our favourite question…because we can talk about our favourite subject - the team!
They say opposites attract and we are certainly an eclectic bunch when it comes to our skills! We have formed an award-winning bond and we continue to work our block heels off bringing dreams to life.
We’re a small but perfectly formed group who love spending time together.
We are also women ourselves, so completely understand the mixed emotions that can sometimes come with dress shopping, planning a wedding and, well…life in general!
We have won some of our industry’s top awards over the years but the most important part of or work remains our brides and their journey to find their dream Lulu Browns gown.
You’re in safe hands with us, we promise.

Issy is our resident whirlwind – when time is of the essence – she our girl! Ensuring Lulu Browns is always looking tip top, Issy keeps us all on the straight and narrow with her love of organisation!
You can often find Megs wearing one of our gowns over on our Instagram! With a huge passion for social content and fashion – she spends her time researching the latest trends, alongside Becca – they are to blame for the amount of stock we carry!
Holly is a highly experienced bridal stylist and is extremely welcoming, she'll find our perfect fit.
Jinny is fabulous. Her sunny disposition and incredible knack of finding that perfect wild card, make her a perfect fit for Lulu Browns.
Visiting Lulu Browns is a luxury experience and Olivia is the lady who ensures our brides, and their guests, can sit back and enjoy the Lulu Browns experience to its fullest! Olivia can often be found on our shop floor making sure everything is in its rightful place and looking beautiful.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.
Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.”
- Margaret Mead